
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mahaki's 21st.....

Thanks Aunty Jill for the photos, forgot to take the bloody camera, didn't we!!!!!

You knew it was going to be a great night when these folk were on side for the preparation! PJ, Nate and Keri:

Aunty Vick folding streamers:

Meremaraea and Stephen:

Lynette and Uncle Paul:

Damien, T and Calais:

Uncle Billy:

Aunty's Helen and Elsie:

The world's most unflattering photo of sweaty moi, but it shows of the difference between how H8 inteprets "party clothes":

And how L5 interprets it ;o):


Ra and Lees trying to avoid having their photo taken with Dazza:

See why?:

4 generations - Nana, Aunty Jill, Tara and baby Raukura:


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