
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Beginning of The End.....

A10 thought it was very cool that he got to graduate from his Great-Grandfather's non-motorised hand-mower up to the petrol mower, The Lad and I just laughed - how long do you reckon the enthusiasm for mowing the lawns is going to last? I'm reminded of that quote about a child's willingness to help being in direct proportion to their ability to do the job, lol!

While A10 was busy mowing the lawns, The Lad and L4 got busy with the waterblaster:

And H7 did some egg-hunting. Our chickens seem to have a penchant for laying everywhere *but* their stylish, comfortable nesting boxes and so the kids get paid 20c per egg they find. We then 'float' the eggs and if they're good (they sink) they go in the fridge. If they're bad (they float) the kids stand on the deck and hiff them into the forest - people who hit a tree get one lolly per 'bullseye'. We forgot to advise some visitors one day that they really should stand on the deck and hiff them, and the visitors thought they'd score a lolly easily by standing directly underneath their chosen tree and then smashing the egg against the trunk - that was the first time they'd smelt rotten egg, and hopefully the last time they ever get themselves covered in it, lol!


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