
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Variation On The Washing Mountain.....

I know I need to fold the washing when the kids start saying things like "Let's go jump on the washing mountain!" or "I've got no (whatever)'s" - because we all have a million "whatever" 's - pairs of underpants, socks, singlets, t-shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, long pants, jerseys, etc.. And these days it's getting a bit harder to find a home for said mountain, especially now we don't have a spare room (whose Big Idea was it to have all these bloody kids?), or even a spare bed for that matter, and now that we're down to one two-seater in the lounge suite stakes (does it count as a suite if there's only one item? - honestly, we're like the beginning of The Simpsons when the TV gets turned on, when they all sprint to the one couch and try to all fit).

The girls have a new washing basket in their room and they empty it into mine once a day (well, it saves on actually picking your clothes up off the floor and putting them back in your drawer!), and when mine is full we get a Washing Tower. Joy of Joys for me - a Tower of dirty washing patiently waiting for me to magically turn it into a Mountain of clean washing. Every Bloody Day.


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