
Saturday, September 01, 2007

Rugby Break-Up Fun.....

I took up a collection from the parents of the boys in A11's rugby team to buy the coaching team some beers in appreciation for all their hard work and time they've given up for us over this season, but they decided to spend that money on a day of fun for the boys instead - what nice guys!

There was food and prizes and heaps of games. This one was a teamwork exercise:

This was dodgeball with wet sponges - what a hoot!:

There were three-legged races (The Lad and L4 nearly had it sussed):

My favourite (and not just because I suggested it, lol!) was the Cream Pie Toss - adults form one line and kids form another line opposite them. Somebody (me) goes down the middle of the line and flicks a coin for each adult-child pair, whoever loses the toss gets Cream Pie'd (Dairy Whip on a paper plate) by the winner. L9 was on the losing end of the toss:

H7 preparing to be creamed:

The Lad was enjoying every minute of doing this:

The after-effects:


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